You don't need an MBA from Harvard to start a successful business. We are living in the most exciting time to start a business. Due to technology, the capital of starting a business doesn't need to be as large as it use to be. We are living in an environment where there are no barriers of how large the market can be. The targeted customers can be anywhere in the world.
Business Leadership
“Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content. Alibaba, the most valuable retailer, has no inventory. And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate. Something interesting is happening.” -Tom Goodwin
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Just start
You don't need an MBA from Harvard to start a successful business. We are living in the most exciting time to start a business. Due to technology, the capital of starting a business doesn't need to be as large as it use to be. We are living in an environment where there are no barriers of how large the market can be. The targeted customers can be anywhere in the world.
We all have self-doubt. You can have self-doubt about your conviction and commitment to do this. You might have self-doubt to succeed, to raise the money, to attract the right people. This will be something you can harness by having early success and surrounding yourself with the right people.
Any idea on how to decrease Self-Doubt ? Comment down below..
Change your mindset.
In order to improve your mindset and expand your thinking, start looking around the corner. Check for things that other people do not see. Have the curiosity and courage to put yourself in some uncomfortable situations. Meet new people, listen to them and put yourself in a position to learn.
Learn from the job
There is always a great benefit for working in a company. Small or large, the company will provide you with the context of understand either how to build an organization, how to work in an organization and what it means to be part of an organization. This will give you an idea on the good and the bad and will help you shape your perspective of you own organization. So stop daydreaming and your job and start taking notes...
Don't be afraid
Everyone makes mistakes. Every business, every job, every city is different. It is hard to predict everything and thus mistakes are inevitable. Don't look at them as something awful. In fact, try to learn from your mistakes in order to improve. Your solutions aren't always in a book or on a website. Sometimes your own creative solution to a certain problem is what starts your whole journey.
Start Asking questions
Don't be afraid to ask questions specially in your current job. For example " How does this company or this management team make certain decision". Try to look for people who are more experienced in the field you want to learn and ask the right questions. There is always someone who is going to be more experienced or have a different point of view which you can benefit from. Knowledge is infinite, try to have as much as you can.
Don't manage, Lead
People don't want to be manage. They want to be part of the vision you are seeing and they want to see themselves valued and appreciated. The manager should create an atmosphere of a team sport. Everyone's idea should be considered.
Got more to say about leaders? Comment you idea below..
Define your purpose
As a leader, u have to show your people what you expect. Show them what is the excellent job you are are looking for. Do not ignore bad performance as it might have a negative effect on the long run. Try to work with your team or with the person and improve their performance.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Feedback !
No matter what your employees performance is, always have an appraisal system. Make sure the effort of the people who are working with you is appreciated every time. Try to establish a level of empathy and compassion with them as a person, not as the boss. Let trust be part of the companies culture.
You think constant feedback can go too far ? share your thoughts in the comment section..
Find the right investors.
You need money to start ? A lot of people today have money to spend. Just give them a purpose. However, do not choose your investor blindly. Once he gives you money, the investor is now playing a role in your company. Try to ask around other entrepreneurs who took money from the same investor. Is he reliable? Can you count on him when things get difficult? Know their history. Set up a hypothetical situation and ask for a response.
You got more tips ? share them below in the comment section..
Performance and equity
It is always hard for the entrepreneur to give up equity. But you got to ask yourself what are you trying to do? If you are trying to build a great big enduring business and equity is going to be the way you fund it then the 100% ownership that you own as an idea is gonna be significantly diluted down the road. Control is not about having 51% of the company, it is about performance. If you own 10% of the company but you are performing well, you are the person who had the idea, you are executing the strategy and you are the right leader, then you are going to maintain control of the company.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Fiduciary responsibility
There is a large responsibility taking money from an investor or an institution and everyone in the company especially the senior leadership team needs to understand, individually and collectively, that they have a fiduciary responsibility to meet the numbers and to provide the rate of return that was promised. You will be served well if you under promise and over deliver. Nothing will make the investor more happy than beating the numbers he was expecting.
Hire a value based team
It is your job as an early CEO to hire a value-based team. Looking for these people starts way before you start raising money so that as soon as you raise money you are ready to hire them. You are hiring for two things. One, you are hiring for main expertise and skill base and experience beyond your own. Second, you are hiring for values, values that are like minded with yours. Try to hire someone who is interested in equity instead of cash compensation. These people will be hungry for the long term opportunity.
Interview process
Everyone has a different style. Try and reduce the tension or any anxiety of the interview by starting with intimate conversation. Start asking questions related to the person first that has nothing to do with the job. For example: "What was the last book you read? ". Try to have a conversation where the person doesn't feel subordinate to you.
You got different strategies for hiring? Share you thoughts below..
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Hiring mistakes
Once you hire someone, its hard to admit that you made a mistake. So you try to change this person and this person doesn't change. A year passes by and this individual has already a significant negative impact on your company. You should just go to the person and tell them you think it is not gonna work out.
Got a different opinion? Share your thoughts..
Just start
You don't need an MBA from Harvard to start a successful business. We are living in the most exciting time to start a business. Due to ...

You don't need an MBA from Harvard to start a successful business. We are living in the most exciting time to start a business. Due to ...
We all have self-doubt. You can have self-doubt about your conviction and commitment to do this. You might have self-doubt to succeed, to ...
In order to improve your mindset and expand your thinking, start looking around the corner. Check for things that other people do not see. ...